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Star Of The Show with Chef Michael Smith + Canadian Lentils

I’m back from PEI and my #StarOfTheShow experience with Canadian Lentils and Chef Michael Smith. What a trip- full of surprises, new experiences, lots of learning, and new friends!! Keep your eyes peeled…the videos from all 5 of us winners will be out June 1st on the Canadian Lentils website.

Check out this article on the CBC website for a sneak peek at what went on!

I made my vegetarian lentil shepherd’s pie and worked with Chef Michael Smith to perfect the recipe! It was so eye-opening to see how Chef Michael approaches recipe writing for his cookbooks, and I hope I can translate some of his super skillz into my work on the blog! It was also interesting to see just how much making a cooking show entails. It’s one thing to make at-home YouTube cooking videos, but the amount of effort that goes into these shows is just incredible. Imagine 7 or 8 cameras capturing your every move, a super sensitive microphone (yes, we had to pause for that airplane going overhead), and a crew of people you basically have to try and ignore as you stare into the main camera lense to address your imaginary audience. Phew!

I also got to hang out all week with Ethan from Food Bloggers of Canada, Rachel from Canadian Lentils, and Sam from It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken. I’m so happy I got to meet these amazing people…we had so much fun throughout the week, and exploring P.E.I.!

Here’s a few snaps from my week in PEI:

2016-04-07 10.54.39
Going over my vegetarian lentil shepherd’s pie recipe with Chef Michael!


2016-04-07 17.02.18-2
That’s a wrap! The awesome crew
2016-04-08 04.27.41
Quick FaceSwap for Snapchat inbetween takes- haha!
2016-04-09 12.34.26
Exploring PEI
2016-04-09 13.11.56
Lobster traps!
2016-04-09 14.26.46
I had an absolute blast hanging out with Ethan from Food Bloggers of Canada, and Sam from It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken. So happy to have spent the week with these two!!

2016-04-07 15.39.44 2016-04-09 13.06.04 2016-04-09 14.05.24

Keep up with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat (kokobrill) for more adventures!