Raw Foods

Recipes for raw foods - they must remain under 115 degrees celsius in order to be considered truly raw.

  • Chocolate-4

    Drop Dead Recipes- Raw Chocolate Bark

    Well…I’m BACK IN VANCOUVER! I can’t believe a year had passed since I began my working holiday in New Zealand. It’s been an epic and unforgettable trip- I will always cherish my memories of this year! It’s good to be home though. I’ve missed my kitchen…A LOT. I literally ecstatic to get crackin’ on some new recipes and finish my e-book. I’m looking to print a few copies of it, too, so that’s exciting! In the meantime, I’m going to lay back and enjoy the Christmas holidays! And you know that means plenty of cooking and baking. This recipe for Drop Dead Clothing is alllllll about the chocolate. Not just…

  • Fermentation

    Are you familiar with fermented foods? Your great grandmothers would know all about them. Fermenting foods seems to be almost a lost art, which is so sad! I’m excited to say though that there has been a huge resurgence lately in these old school cooking, and preserving methods. Several weeks ago I made sauerkraut at home and I was shocked at how easy it was. I had been debating buying a bottle of probiotic pills, but fermented foods have the exact same effect for a much smaller price tag. Eating just a tablespoon of fermented foods a day gives you the equivalent ‘good bacteria’ for you guts, as an entire…

  • Raw Peppermint Squares | Koko's Kitchen

    Raw Peppermint Chocolate Squares

    Sooo…if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will know the recent tragedy and devastation that I endured, as I realized I had lost the recipe for these raw blackcurrant and lemon squares. Yes, it is a very serious matter-haha. I promise I will remake them or find the recipe some how. I decided I needed to drown my sorrows in some more raw goodness. So I made these Raw Peppermint Chocolate Squares. They did a mighty fine job of making me forget all about those blackcurrant and lemon squares….for now. These have a really nice, subtle peppermint flavour because most of the mint flavour comes from real mint,…

  • Rawesome Review

    Rawsome Vegan Baking Review, Recipe & GIVEAWAY!

    I’m pretty stoked to be able to share a review, recipe and a giveaway for you today brought to you by Emily Von Euw (a fellow Vancouverite!!) of This Rawsome Vegan Life. I was very excited to receive a copy of Emily’s new book, all the way to New Zealand. My first cookbook here! I just love flipping through cookbooks even when I’m not looking for something to cook…is that weird? My favourite kind of cookbook is one with lots of pictures and Emily definitely meets my requirements for that. Of course, you probably already knew that since her blog, This Rawsome Vegan Life is just smothered with drool-worthy pictures…

  • Ginger Energy Bites | Koko's Kitchen

    Ginger Energy Bites

    These little bites are just what you need after doing a four-minute plank. Yes, I did FitFluential’s #FFAprilAbs challenge, which means doing a plank per day in April. If you follow me on Twitter (@kokobrill), you saw my progress. On April 1st, I started off with a 2-minute plank, and now I have worked my way up to 4 minutes and 5 seconds which is ridiculously hard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar!! I once read that Ryan Gosling was so busy that to stay in shape for a movie he was in he only had time to do an 8-minute plank per day. That is insane. Anyway, my…

  • Tropical Chia Pudding

    Tropical Coconut & Passionfruit Chia Pudding

      One of my favourite things about eating raw foods is that often dessert and breakfast can be the same meal! Who doesn’t want a chocolatey raw cacao and banana smoothie, or banana soft serve with fruit and coconut cream for breakfast. In this instance, I made a sweet and fruity tropical coconut & passionfruit chia pudding for breakfast; but I could easily enjoy it as a healthy, sweet dessert, too. I love all of the amazing fruit they have here in New Zealand. I rarely get to work with things like passionfruit, or guava. We stopped at “Fruit World” the other day, and picked up quite the haul of…

  • Raw Gingerbread Cake with Cashew Cream Cheeze Frosting

    I have to fit in as much holiday cooking and baking as I can before I leave for New Zealand in 16 days! I have been experimenting over the past little while with gingerbread, as I attempted to make raw gingerbread men. If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen an attempt where I used almond pulp (leftover from making almond milk) and the dehydrator to make little gingy men. Well…it didn’t work! Not everything is a success in Koko’s Kitchen, and those tasted seriously nasty haha! But I’m not the type of person to let that get me down, so with attempt number two I decided to…

  • Raw Almond Milk

    Hazelnut Cashew Milk

    This is a great recipe to switch things up from your usual milk beverage. After I stopped drinking milk, I started drink soy milk. Now, I am totally anti-soy expect when it comes to fermented soy…but that’s a whole ‘notha story! Nowadays, I drink almond milk daily. I always drink unsweetened kinds, and I was looking into finding a brand with no carrageenan in it. More on that here. Lately, I’ve been making my own almond milk which is so fun and soo easy. You simply soak a cup of raw almonds for roughly 8 hours and then drain and rinse them. Mix the cup of almonds with your choice…

  • Raw Ice Cream Sandwiches

    You might have seen these bad boys that I made for Drop Dead recently, but I thought to myself, why not make a raw version, too. You can never have enough ice cream sandwiches, right?? This version for raw ice cream sandwiches uses only nuts and dates as the ‘cookie’, and the very same banana ice cream and dipping chocolate. Just a wee change takes this ice cream sandwich to a gluten-free, refined sugar-free, raw level. Wherever I use raw honey or coconut syrup, you may use honey, coconut syrup, agave, or perhaps even maple syrup. If you don’t know where to find these ingredients, try your local health food…

  • Buckwheat Cereal

    Annelie’s Raw Food Power- Review

    I was sent a book a few weeks ago called “Annelie’s Raw Food Power” by Annelie Whitfield. Upon receiving it, I was so excited. After tearing my eyes away from the stunning photographs, I learned that Annelie is a naturopath and herbalist who actually got up and moved her entire family from London to the jungles of Costa Rica- how cool is that. The book features absolutely amazing raw food recipes that her family enjoyed in Costa Rica. Let me just say, that these recipes are nutrient powerhouses. I’m so fond of all the ingredients Annelie uses, including hemp seeds, goji berries, coconut, fresh fruit and vegetables, buckwheat, raw honey,…

  • Raw Lemon Meringue Pie

    Raw Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie

    So you’ve prepared your Irish Moss Gel and what now?? Well…you could make this amazing raw vegan lemon meringue pie. Just sayin’. I love this pie so much! The coconut and lemon make such a lovely combination, and the macadamia crust is so suited to the cheery lemon flavour. Once you have your ingredients, it’s very easy to throw together- hopefully you have a high powered blender, but if not, try a food processor. The nuts can get expensive, but I think this kind of pie is well suited for when you want to have a few people over for dinner and show off your raw food $killz- an occasion, or…

  • Soaked Irish Moss

    How To Prepare Irish Moss Gel {Video Tutorial}

    It’s about time I did another YouTube video, I think! It’s been quite awhile since I made Vegan Vampire Cupcakes or taught you How to Open A Young Coconut. I really am gonna make an effort to do more videos…especially with my new camera that I got for Christmas. I’m stoked about it! I wanted to talk about Irish Moss today, as it’s a super cool ingredient and it’s come up in the news a lot lately. What is Irish Moss? It’s a seaweed! A red algae to be exact found in the Caribbean and on the Atlantic Coast of Europe and North America. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, like…