Travel & the Food Freedom Lifestyle
I love to travel but I used to let diet mentality get in the way of my experiences away from home. I was constantly worried about how I could squeeze in a workout or trying to skip meals to make up for indulging in some type of food. The obsessing over food actually counteracted all of my efforts to diet and exercise. See: The Binge Cycle Having embraced intuitive eating over the last few years and reached a stable and comfortable Food Freedom Lifestyle, I was curious (and a little nervous) to see how I would do on my most recent extended holiday. My fiancĂ© and I were heading to…
The Binge Cycle
Let’s talk about the vicious cycle of restriction and bingeing also known as….. dieting. Here is a super simple break down of what happens to body and mind when we are stuck in this cycle. Leading up to: you’re exhausted you’ve had hours or days of restricting foods you’re triggered emotionally or are depleted of any emotional resources or physical energy from restricting you start to get a craving for a restricted food During: you may start with a different “healthier” food than what you are craving soon this leads to another type of food to fill the void eventually you give in and eat the food you’ve been craving…