DIY Coconut Sugar Lip Scrub
Going from 40-degree weather in India to -1 degree weather in Vancouver has left my skin sooo confused!! It’s dry AF and I need to moisturize every five minutes, I swear. My lips are no better…dry and chapped and no amount of “Lip Shit” is helping (although I am still obsessed- coconut basil flavour is the bomb!). I have used lip scrubs in the past and enjoyed the results. I’ve tried a few from Lush and they were super moisturizing and effective and they tasted delicious but with none on hand I decided to make my own. It’s chemical free and made with natural ingredients good enough to eat! I…
Carrot Cake Oatmeal with Ginger Spiced Cashew Cream
I hope you all had a great weekend! I did
I went out for a delicious Thai dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday, and went straight from there to a fun housewarming party. I also went to “The Food Show” in Auckland. I love going to these types of events, and it reminded me of EAT! Vancouver. It’s always fun to check out the stalls and samples at food shows. It’s a great way to learn about new companies, and smaller, local companies that you might not have heard of. There were tons of vendors at The Food Show, selling everything from cheese to bread, granola bars to dumplings,…
Raw Gingerbread Cake with Cashew Cream Cheeze Frosting
I have to fit in as much holiday cooking and baking as I can before I leave for New Zealand in 16 days! I have been experimenting over the past little while with gingerbread, as I attempted to make raw gingerbread men. If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen an attempt where I used almond pulp (leftover from making almond milk) and the dehydrator to make little gingy men. Well…it didn’t work! Not everything is a success in Koko’s Kitchen, and those tasted seriously nasty haha! But I’m not the type of person to let that get me down, so with attempt number two I decided to…
Baked Pumpkin Donut Holes
Is it really my first pumpkin recipe of the season!? Normally, I’m pumpkin crazy. I’m going to owe this to the fact that until yesterday, Vancouver had brilliant sunshine and record-breaking temperatures. It didn’t even feel like Fall until yesterday! Well, now it’s time to buckle down and use pumpkin until I’m sick of it- which really never happens… This is a delicious recipe for donut holes, or donut middles. I found it from Two Peas In Their Pod. I first adapted this recipe with a whole wheat pastry flour and some other small changes. When I popped it in the oven I realized I had made a fatal error….I FORGOT…