Carrot Cake Oatmeal with Ginger Spiced Cashew Cream
I hope you all had a great weekend! I did
I went out for a delicious Thai dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday, and went straight from there to a fun housewarming party. I also went to “The Food Show” in Auckland. I love going to these types of events, and it reminded me of EAT! Vancouver. It’s always fun to check out the stalls and samples at food shows. It’s a great way to learn about new companies, and smaller, local companies that you might not have heard of. There were tons of vendors at The Food Show, selling everything from cheese to bread, granola bars to dumplings,…
Raw Gingerbread Cake with Cashew Cream Cheeze Frosting
I have to fit in as much holiday cooking and baking as I can before I leave for New Zealand in 16 days! I have been experimenting over the past little while with gingerbread, as I attempted to make raw gingerbread men. If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen an attempt where I used almond pulp (leftover from making almond milk) and the dehydrator to make little gingy men. Well…it didn’t work! Not everything is a success in Koko’s Kitchen, and those tasted seriously nasty haha! But I’m not the type of person to let that get me down, so with attempt number two I decided to…
Zucchini Fritters with Lemon Basil Cashew Cream- Vegan + Gluten Free
I saw this recipe a few months ago in a Bon Appetit Magazine, and I just knew I had to put my own spin on it. I love fritters, but I’m not so down with eggs…an ingredient they always contain. I made these egg free by using a flax-egg, and I replaced the all purpose flour with gluten free chickpea flour. I used a mix of green and yellow zucchini, because that’s what I had on hand. Lastly, the cornstarch was nixed, and arrowroot powder joined the party! When it came to serving these, I wanted something fresh and summery….lemon and basil- it had to be! Instead of using sour…
Raw Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie
So you’ve prepared your Irish Moss Gel and what now?? Well…you could make this amazing raw vegan lemon meringue pie. Just sayin’. I love this pie so much! The coconut and lemon make such a lovely combination, and the macadamia crust is so suited to the cheery lemon flavour. Once you have your ingredients, it’s very easy to throw together- hopefully you have a high powered blender, but if not, try a food processor. The nuts can get expensive, but I think this kind of pie is well suited for when you want to have a few people over for dinner and show off your raw food $killz- an occasion, or…
Raw Lemon Lavender Cupcakes
Okay, so y’all know I love the flavour combination of lemon and lavender. I’ve been making these lemon lavender shortbread cookies at Christmas time for years now! But I wanted something healthier, that I could still enjoy as a treat featuring those flavours. I thought about raw truffles, and raw cookies, but after digging up some lemon cupcakes from the freezer, and having my boyfriend compliment them profusely….I settled on raw lemon lavender cupcakes! The base is nutty and sweet, with subtle lavender flavour. If you want to pump up the lavender, I’d use a full teaspoon of dried edible lavender. The ‘icing’ in this recipe is amazing…it’s a challenge not…