Apple Crumble ‘Cheesecake’ Bars with Martin’s Apple Chips
Allow me to introduce you to my new favourite, healthy snack – Martin’s Apple Chips! These are the tastiest apple chips and they are made in Canada by the very family that grows the apples. I used to make my own apple chips every so often and although I’m a fan of making things from scratch…some things are better left to professionals. Martin’s apple farm is located in Waterloo, Ontario and has gone from having 100 trees in 1971 to 700 acres in 2017. You could say they know what they’re doing. Learn all about their story here. Martin’s Apple Chips come in several different flavours – regular, cinnamon, caramel dream and chocolatey…
Que Pasa Factory Tour with Food Bloggers of Canada
Last week I had the privilege of attending a first-ever tour at the Que Pasa factory along with Food Bloggers of Canada. I grew up on Que Pasa chips…my dad is an OG and has been eating these chips since they first started making them. But isn’t it cool to find out that something you love is even better than you thought? Since touring the factory with one of the company’s owners, I saw the love and care Que Pasa has put into the making of it’s products and the integrity they have when it comes to cutting no corners even though they are now such a large company. They…
Inspired Greens Living Lettuce Summer Salad
I’m here to change your world when it comes to salads with my new favourite greens! Lettuce begin, shall we? Have you ever tried Inspired Greens living lettuce? This isn’t your regular grocery store lettuce – it has 3x more leaves, it’s ready in one chop and stays fresh for longer. It’s ALIVE! Just look at the roots on this baby. You all know I’m about that fresh produce and this is as fresh as it gets. #Inspired Greens has several types of beautiful living lettuces from romaine to butterleaf and batavia leaf. I was in the mood for a summer salad so I grabbed the Inspired Greens multileaf trio lettuce to use as my…
Rhubarb Syrup
*This post is from 2012 but I wanted to re-share the rhubarb love* Well, I promised you one last rhubarb recipe for the season and here it is. It’s a goodie…..worth the wait
This is a super simple rhubarb syrup- perfect for adding to a gin & tonic, vodka & lemonade or your favourite cocktail. Or, if you’re no fun, you could just make a nice alcohol-free pink lemonade with this. The flavour is light and sweet with a subtle rhubarb taste, not to mention how beautiful their light pink colour is. Add sunshine + friends + good music for extra enjoyment! A flavourful rhubarb syrup & how to…
Whistler Train Wreck
On a recent trip to Whistler, I was able to cross something off my list that I had been wanting to do for a couple years – hike to the ‘Whistler train wreck’. In years past it had been a bit of a secret and I’d tried to find it before but ended up in the completely wrong area. Now it’s become quite well known and a real trail has been created leading to the wreck. There is also a brand spankin’ new suspension bridge over the Cheakamus River right on the trail. Now this train wreck supposedly happened some time in the 1950s and what it looks like now…
Toronto Eats – Wvrst, Apiecalypse Now
Recently I took a quick trip to Toronto with Jared and although we were only there a couple of days, we got to check a few places off of our ‘foodie’ bucket list. http://kokobrill.tumblr.com/post/160586825528 It was my first time in Toronto and even though the weather was nahhhhhht so nice, I enjoyed exploring downtown by foot. I quickly realized that Toronto’s downtown core was massive compared to Vancouver’s and maybe I would need to download ‘Uber’ for future trips. One of our first stops was at ‘Wvrst‘, a sausage and beer hall right downtown. We were there around 2pm so things were relatively quiet but I longed to see this place…
Ombré Cake
The other day I had the opportunity to make a “The Little Prince” inspired cake for a client’s baby shower. I wasn’t familiar with this story book but after some googling I found that deep blues and golden stars seemed to be the colour scheme of this story. I thought an ombré cake would be suiting with colours that fade from a deep royal or navy blue into white…but I had never decorated a cake like that before. It’s always a bit scary to try out a new technique on a client’s cake but I was so pleased with the final product and I can’t wait to make another ombré…
Vegan Caesar Salad
You guys, I love caesar salad and I have tried literally a billion plant-based caesar salad dressings in my life, both at home and in restaurants. There are so many different ways to make a vegan caesar salad dressing. I’ve had avocado-based dressings, hemp-based, cashew-based and oil-based. For years I have avoided tofu-based caesar salad dressings because honestly, I just didn’t think it could taste as good as some of the other versions. Well, due to a major caesar salad craving the other day and a lack of cashews, I had to give the tofu-based dressing a try. It turned out to be amazing with perfectly a perfectly creamy and…
Easy Roasted Garlic
Have you experienced the magic of roasted garlic? There is pretty much nothing better than taking a slice of a crusty baguette, drowning it in olive oil and balsamic vinegar and mashing several cloves of roasted garlic right on top. Oh my god. The best part about roasted garlic is that it is so easy to make at home. Besides my crusty baguette fantasy, there are so many other ways you can utilize roasted garlic. I love it in mashed yams for Thanksgiving or in Caesar salad dressing (stay tuned for this recipe!) If you’re not a huge garlic lover than definitely give roasted garlic a try. It has a…
Roasted Honey Chili Potatoes
While in India I was introduced to one of the yummiest things I have ever eaten – “honey chili potato”. I was at a restaurant, stuffed to the brim from an amazing veggie curry with garlic naan bread but after one taste of these honey chili potatoes, I just couldn’t stop. This dish normally uses french fries as the base but I wanted to lighten things up and avoid the deep-fryer. Simple, roasted potatoes do the trick as they still get nice and crispy on the outside and stay fluffy on the inside. A recipe inspired by the 'honey chili potato' I had the pleasure of indulging in while…
DIY Coconut Sugar Lip Scrub
Going from 40-degree weather in India to -1 degree weather in Vancouver has left my skin sooo confused!! It’s dry AF and I need to moisturize every five minutes, I swear. My lips are no better…dry and chapped and no amount of “Lip Shit” is helping (although I am still obsessed- coconut basil flavour is the bomb!). I have used lip scrubs in the past and enjoyed the results. I’ve tried a few from Lush and they were super moisturizing and effective and they tasted delicious but with none on hand I decided to make my own. It’s chemical free and made with natural ingredients good enough to eat! I…
Quick Pickled Onions
I have been pickle obsessed since I was born. I would hoover baby dill pickles, jar after jar as a kid and it’s really no different now. Pickle juice? No problem….I’ll drink it. Now that I’m an “adult” (ew!) I enjoy pickles in a variety of ways such as, picklebacks – where you take a shot of Jamison Irish Whisky and follow it up with a shot of pickle juice. I have also come to enjoy a variety of other pickles like pickled beets, mustard pickles, pickled beans, pickled asaparagus and of course pickled onions!! I think that Vancouver taco craze got me started on pickled onions. The sweet, tangy,…